Saturday, August 2, 2014

Greenwood Hills Part II

On the second day, I woke up at 7:30. I did my chores which were cleaning the sink, picking up trash around the cabin, and straightening the clothesline. Then I sat and talked with my cabin mates. Then on the loudspeaker said to the dining hall for breakfast. Then we went in. We just talked and talked. Then we finally went in and ate. After that was quiet time. My cabin went on the benches near the Tabernacle. When the bell rang for chapel, my cabin ran into the Tabernacle. We sang a couple of songs. Then we did a missionary report. It was about a couple in Mexico. Then we sang another song. Then we did this Bible thing. Each group (Greens, Woods, and Hills) Had to say verses. Counselors and JCITS had to say it too. Greens had 2 and the rest had 1. After that was Bible study. We learned about Zacharias and Elizabeth and a little about Mary, Joseph, and Jesus. Then it was 1st activity. My cabin ran to our cabin and put our stuff away. Then I went to the same place that I had Bible Study. My 1st activity was cookie decorating. We made 4 things. They were all awesome! I went to my cabin and put them away. Then I went to the Tabernacle to get to my 2nd period activity, calender making. I started with November and December. The teacher had really cool stamps, paper, punches, scissors, and a lot of other awesome stuff. Then the bell rang for lunch. We had a yummy lunch!

After lunch was rest time. I was really bored. I sat, whispered, and lied down for an hour. Then the bell rang for free time. I ran to the Chatterbox. I got a cotton-candy ice-cream cone. Then I got into my bathing suit. I ran to the pool. I swam and did handstands. Then it was 3rd period. Mine was swimming so I just stayed there.When the lifeguards said when we could get in, I went to the 10-foot deep side, I jumped in 1,000,000 times. then it was time for swim lessons. We did basic stuff. Then I went to my cabin to change. Then I went outside for cabin time. We made pillowcases. Mandy, (my counselor) brought stencils and cool makers. We drew on our cases and then went to the dining hall for dinner.

We had a great dinner with pudding for dessert. Then they someone made an announcement. They told every cabin a color. Then they gave the color leader that color balloon. They had Gaga, parachute games, a penny pool, scooter racing, and a water slide. My group went to parachute games 1st. We did stuff like trying to keep 3 balls on while we made waves. Then we went to the water slide. It was set down the hill and we all slid down. It had soap at the end so we all got soapy. Then it was scooter racing. They split us up into teams and the smallest person went on the scooter. I was the smallest person so I got to go on. One of the other teammates pushed me to the other side and back. My team won so that was awesome! Then we went to the penny pool. The point was to trying to get as much pennies to your team from the filled pool. My team lost the first time. Then we did the same thing again except that we were blindfolded. My team won that time! Then last but not least, Gaga! We played 1,00,000 rounds. Then we went to the field and got Popsicles. We had a lesson about faith in God. The person who was teaching said that she had faith so when she would sit on a water balloon, it wouldn't pop. Then it popped after she sat on it. She did the same thing again. Then we went to our cabins,did devotions, and went to bed.

                                                       THE END!    

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